Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Best Laid Plans Go Awry

The surprise lilies I saw in a Wichita Falls backyard on my way to lunch today reminded me that God loves to surprise us beyond our imaginations, if we'll just let Him. We have but to receive His blessings. To do that, sometimes we need to slow down and open our arms and hands to Him.

Slow down? When?

As poet Robert Berns so aptly said, "the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley."

I, who have for nearly 50 years read at least three books a week, have not been able to read for fun since I started this blog, which was to concentrate on reading, discussing what I read.

I turned a book back into the library unread .. a first!

I'm two weeks behind in my daily Bible reading.

And I signed up as a Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger and received my first review book in a couple of days ago.

So much for planning.

The ad campaign "life comes at you fast" is a good illustration of life right now .. can't go into details quite yet, but things are changing quickly, and free time is nil. In addition to other items, I've committed to twice-weekly evenings with my grandson while my daughter attends a night class.

Tonight, PaPa joined us and at his urging, we hit the local fair. I used to love the fair as a child. As an adult, not so much. As a mom worried about money, not at all. As a Grandma with a little more discretionary cash and a handy press pass from a media friend: we had a great time!

It was J's night .. he won a pretty nice looking (gaudy!) resin/wood poster/clock of a custom chopper .. great for his bedroom. He and PaPa did the Ferris Wheel together (I haven't had time to finish Max Lucado's Fearless yet, so I'm not ready for heights!), and then he rode a few rides by himself. We let him play a few games of chance, and he did well, especially the chopper clock.

Tonight was a respite from the storm that will whirl around us for the next several months. We needed this time together to gather our strength.

Tonight, I am well and truly blessed, despite the storm, and ready to face it.

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